Search, with social: Unify your cross-channel marketing for better business results
Thursday, March 29, 2018
Consumers engage with your brand across many channels, from search to display to social. However, only 17% of advertisers look at performance across these channels.1 And while search advertising will continue to make up the majority of digital ad spend this year, spending on social ads is estimated to grow. That’s why we’ve expanded DoubleClick Search’s best-in-class cross-channel reporting and optimization to include social ads. Key features include:
Using different tracking tags across channels often results in splintered and duplicated data. To ensure you don’t overvalue clicks or channels, DoubleClick Floodlight tags deduplicate conversions across search, display and social. You can also report on assisted conversions, which tells you the number of conversions that were assisted by a particular keyword or ad.
You can also include social data in your DoubleClick Campaign Manager path-to-conversion reports to understand the role your social ads play in your customers’ path to purchase. For example, if you see that most of your sales happen after multiple clicks on your social ads, there might be an opportunity to refine your social ad content.
Posted by Sriram Parameswar
Product Manager, DoubleClick Search
Automated click and view tracking
We’ve partnered with social marketing platforms, including 4C Insights and, to make integration simple. Once you connect your account, DoubleClick’s view and click trackers are automatically applied. You’ll be able to see your Floodlight-based conversion metrics, including visits, actions, transactions and revenue in your social reports. In the coming weeks, we’ll be expanding support to include Brand Networks and Sprinklr.Connect to top paid social marketing platforms
If you’re not using a social marketing platform, you can use tracking sheets to see your social ads activity directly in DoubleClick Search.“DoubleClick Search streamlined the process of connecting our DoubleClick click and view trackers to our social campaigns. We’ve saved upwards of 6+ hours a month in trafficking, while still being able to leverage attribution insights in DoubleClick Campaign Manager.”— Andi Brosseuk, Team Lead, iProspect Canada
Unified reporting across channels
See your search, social and display data all in one place. With a connected social account, your clicks, conversions, impressions and cross-channel remarketing metrics are captured together with your other channels.Using different tracking tags across channels often results in splintered and duplicated data. To ensure you don’t overvalue clicks or channels, DoubleClick Floodlight tags deduplicate conversions across search, display and social. You can also report on assisted conversions, which tells you the number of conversions that were assisted by a particular keyword or ad.
See your search, display and social data together
Unified cross-channel attribution
Assign credit to the right customer interactions across channels by using a single attribution model. Then use Smart Bidding to automatically set bids informed by your cross-channel attribution model for even better performance.You can also include social data in your DoubleClick Campaign Manager path-to-conversion reports to understand the role your social ads play in your customers’ path to purchase. For example, if you see that most of your sales happen after multiple clicks on your social ads, there might be an opportunity to refine your social ad content.
Cross-channel remarketing
Drive more conversions by creating an audience in one channel, and reaching them on another. For example, reach qualified shoppers on with an engaging search ad after they’ve clicked on an awareness-building social ad. You can re-engage these social audiences on both search and display.“As an agency, we’re excited to integrate our social campaigns into DoubleClick Search. The ability to share remarketing lists across channels has not only improved our performance, but also enabled our cross-channel teams to work more closely together. We’re now also able to see more of the conversion path in DoubleClick Search, including the addition of social conversions into our Data Driven Attribution models.”Learn more about integrating your paid social campaigns in the DoubleClick Search Help Center.–Beth Williams, Search Platforms Lead, Merkle Periscopix
Posted by Sriram Parameswar
Product Manager, DoubleClick Search