Forrester's VanBoskirk on Media, Ad Exchanges
Thursday, November 15, 2007
DoubleClick Ad Exchange recently hosted two roundtable dinners to engage with publishers, agencies and marketers, foster direct dialogue between buyers and sellers of online display media, and learn more about issues on the minds (and budgets) of disparate members of the advertising community. We invited Forrester's Shar VanBoskirk to present.
Among the ideas that Shar presented at the two dinners:
- New media advertising, which now accounts for 8% of total ad spend, will become more important as younger consumers become mainstream. Across all channels (SEM, display, emerging, video, etc.), CAGR through 2012 projects to be 27%, with video at nearly 80% CAGR over the same time period.
- Marketers expect interactive effectiveness to increase, and their budget projections and plans over the next three years reflect this.
- Interactive continues to serve marketer needs more effectively, from selling products and services online to driving Web site traffic to lead-gen and relationship building.
- Exchanges will drive the next generation of sales – what is a relatively new concept now will become a core component of media buying and selling in the future.