The Layouts Series: Upgrade to rich media and HTML5 ads and get better creative and better metrics
Friday, August 16, 2013
Because of it’s ease of use, Studio Layouts makes rich media ad units much more accessible. Where before it took too long to crank out standard rich media ads that actually worked, now it can take the same amount of time to build a rich media ad as it can to build a standard image or flash ad. So why not trade up?
According to the Doubleclick Display Benchmarks, rich media interaction rates are up almost 60% since April of 2012. During the same period, interaction time has grown 21% and people are now watching videos to completion over 60% of the time. Standard flash and image ads on the other hand, don’t provide opportunities for viewers to interact and therefore can’t provide metrics on how people are actually engaging with your brand.
Rich media ads give you access to:
- Larger file sizes -- so your ads can be more beautiful and engaging.
- Engagement metrics -- all standard rich media metrics are baked into Studio Layouts (no custom-coding required), so you can show interaction rates, video completion rates, and other engagement metrics to prove the performance of your ads.
- HTML5 layouts -- replace a backup .gif with an engaging HTML5 ad and get your creative onto mobile and tablet devices.
With a tool that makes it so easy to reuse your creative assets to build rich media ads, there’s no reason not to upgrade your standard banners to rich media. You'll provide a more engaging experience for your customers and get access to the metrics that prove the success of your campaign.
If you’d like to learn more about the Studio Layouts product, join us on Monday, Aug. 19th, for a Hangout on Air. The Studio Layouts product team will discuss the use cases for Studio Layouts, the features and formats that are currently available and what’s coming up on the product roadmap.
RSVP for the Hangout here and visit our DoubleClick Google+ page on Monday at 1:30pm ET and click “Join Hangout” to participate. We hope to see you there!
Posted by Becky Chappell, Product Marketing, DoubleClick
If you’d like to learn more about the Studio Layouts product, join us on Monday, Aug. 19th, for a Hangout on Air. The Studio Layouts product team will discuss the use cases for Studio Layouts, the features and formats that are currently available and what’s coming up on the product roadmap.
RSVP for the Hangout here and visit our DoubleClick Google+ page on Monday at 1:30pm ET and click “Join Hangout” to participate. We hope to see you there!
Posted by Becky Chappell, Product Marketing, DoubleClick