Tutorial Tuesday: Create interstitial and expandable ads
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Interstitial ads
Interstitial ads give users a full page ad experience at natural transition points such as page changes or app and video launches. Interstitial ads are displayed in an iFrame that floats over a web page or app, and users can click or tap a close button to hide an ad from their screen. Many people using Google Web Designer will want to design interstitial ads with multiple pages, so we’ve created three step-by-step videos to help you do just that.
Expandable ads
Expandable ads are small banner-size ads which expand when clicked. Expandable ads are displayed in an iFrame that's the size of the expanded page, and a user can click or tap a close button to collapse an ad to its original size. As with interstitial ads, we’ve created three step-by-step videos to help you design expandable ads using Google Web Designer.
Don’t let the learning stop here
While our Tutorial Tuesday series has come to completion, you can keep learning about Google Web Designer via our help center and YouTube Channel, and our user forum and Google+ page are additional outlets where you can both learn and share feedback about GWD.
We’ll be sure to post about other exciting developments as we release them, so stay tuned to the blog for the latest information.